About NumbSkin

How Effective Does NumbSkin™ Cream Work on Dermal Procedures?

NumbSkin™ is a well known anesthetic cream that can be used to numb specific areas of the body before undergoing a painful surgical or cosmetic procedure.

It is packed with a powerful anesthetic agent like Lidocaine which can numb your skin and dulls the skin’s nerve endings. As a result it minimizes your pain throughout the process of any dermal procedures.

With NumbSkin™, you can PAINLESSLY undergo the following skin procedures; WAXING, TATTOOING, PIERCING, LASER PROCEDURES, HAIR REMOVAL and more.



About NumbSkin

Why do you need NumbSkin?

Most people can never make up their mind about getting a tattoo or a body piercing, as they get uncomfortable thinking about the pain involved. They get disheartened when they think of the pain they will have to endure.

Truth be told, you can get a tattoo on any part of your body, be it the bikini line or the underarms, NumbSkin will make the pain vanish.

NumbSkin is the perfect solution to your apprehensions. Now work on shaping your personality in any way you like and leave the pain to us.




About NumbSkin

Who should use NumbSkin?

NumbSkin™ Topical Anesthetic Cream is indicated (including but not limited to) for people who need:

Temporary relief of pain and/or itching associated with scrapes, insect bites and minor skin irritations, dermal procedures that induce pain such as venipuncture (blood sampling), intravenous cannulation (administration of fluids, medications, and blood products), minor skin procedures (laceration repair, warts removal), laser treatment, body hair removal, body art (tattoo and piercings), cosmetic procedures (microdermabrasion, microneedle therapy).
