
How Does Lidocaine Block Pain?

Lidocaine is the main ingredient of most of the numbing creams available in the market. But how does it block the pain on the skin?

The simple answer is that the lidocaine act directly on the nerve cell and prevent the electrical impulses from passing along the nerve. The more complicated answer depends on understanding how the nerve impulse is generated in the first place, which occupies several pages of the textbook. Briefly, in the resting state the nerve cell generates a voltage across the cell membrane by virtue of an active pumping mechanism which pumps sodium ions out of the cell, and allows potassium to diffuse in, to create an electrochemical gradient. When the nerve is stimulated, sodium channels open and allow sodium ions to flow back in, reversing the electrical gradient (“depolarisation”). This electrical change serves to open the sodium channels in the adjacent section of membrane, and so a wave of depolarisation travels along the nerve cell. The local anaesthetic drug works by sitting on the sodium channel and preventing depolarisation, thus preventing the sodium entry into the cell.

In the simplest answer: the lidocaine in the numbing cream blocks the pain by preventing the nerve cells to pass along the electrical impulses which transmits the feeling of pain from the skin to the brain.



Numbing Cream for Injections, Do You Need It?

Some doctors believe that being healthy does not need to be painful. Recent developments in cosmetic medicine continue to aim for less painful methods for certain medical procedures. But one requirement for most procedures is having injections.

Injections are tolerable to most people, but for some this procedure is very painful. Imagine getting your skin, or probably up to your muscles, pierced by  a very fine needle. And even the needle size accounts for the pain level – the thicker and deeper the needle gets, the more painful it becomes. That’s why some people – children or even adults with low tolerance to pain – avoid going to the doctor and getting their shots or injection medicines because they are afraid of the pain.

This is where the numbing cream can be very handy. The person who needs to get the injection just needs to apply the numbing cream on the area 1 hour before getting the injection, and they can already avoid the pain associated with injections. The pain is completely avoided, and the person will maintain their health because they won’t be scared of the injections anymore. Its a great help for kids as well for getting their vaccines.

If you have a high tolerance to pain, then you probably can go by an injection without the need for a numbing cream. But for others who are very afraid of it, the numbing cream can be a very important tool for avoiding the injection pain and keeping their health maintained.




Painless Microblading, is it possible?

This method is similar to inking. There is a major contrast between Microblading method and permanently inked eyebrows.

Microblading is basically a brow design way that allows to keep up the personality and beauty of the natural brows of the customer. During the Microblading technique, a thin layer of color is carved into the surface layers of the skin.

Microblading is ideal for those who need to completely re-establish, define, cover crevices, or fill-in over plucked brows. The expert lash and eyebrow expert also revealed that the individuals who simply need to include a slight curve to their eyebrow, can get the best results with this natural process.

Does it Hurt?

Pain is relative. Some feel more than others. Overall, it feels like little scratches. You feel it, yet it’s not painful. But, if you can’t tolerate the pain, or your skin is very sensitive, then ask your tattooist to comfort your brows with topical numbing cream like Numbskin to dull the discomfort.

Topical anesthetic numbing creams are active. They result very quickly and last for longer time. These creams are non-greasy with 5% of Lidocaine in it. These creams are FDA registered  which are even referred by doctors to kill the pain.





What Numbskin is Made of?

NumbSkin is a well known anesthetic cream that can be used to numb specific areas of the body before undergoing a painful surgical or cosmetic procedure.

NumbSkin contains purest form of Lidocaine (in FDA permissible amounts). It can be purchased over the counter. It’s the only water based numbing cream that does not interfere with the elasticity of the skin, qualifying it for the safest product in the market.

What is Lidocaine?

  • It is a membrane stabilizing drug that decreases the rate of depolarization and re-polarization of excitable membranes.
  • It is known to block the signals from the neurons faster and transport them to a state of dependent blockade.
  • Most nerve fibers are sensitive to Lidocaine, but those with a small diameter are more sensitive than the larger ones.

